
Style is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gold and Silver

I finally bought them! I was not sure about these shoes,  because they are very glittery and shiny, but after I put them on I immediately  felt in love with them! Its was clear that I won't regret my decision. It's quite comfortable and when you once you put them on, you don't want to put them off anymore. Perfect with a boyfriend jeans and  a white t-shirt.
Additionally I bought silver slippers shoes from Steven Madden. They are also very nice and of course more comfortable. These one's goes with a white jeans and a silver sweater.

W koncu je kupilam! Nie bylam pewna jesli chodzi o te buty, poniewaz sa bardzo brokatowe i mocno sie swieca, ale jak je nalozylam to od razu sie zakochalam. Sa bardzo wygodne i jak je zalozysz to juz nie chcesz zdjac. Beda na pewno super wygladaly z boyfrend jeansami i bialym t- shirtem albo koszula.
Kupilam tez srebrne slippersy od Steven Madden. sa tez bardzo slodziutkie i wygladaja super z bialymi jeansami i srebrnym swetrem.
Stylizacje na pewno pokaze!!!

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